

Everyone looks forward to starting off a new year.  Most people believe that a new year means new opportunities for change and new experiences.  This belief is the reason we  make promises to ourselves every January.  We can make resolutions any time, but we feel a fresh start when the ball drops and the new year lights up.

A new year can also be a time of reflection: a time  spent alone quietly  asking for guidance on what is needed to enrich your life.  Take some time alone with the person who knows you the best, yourself.  Listen to your inner voice and then set a goal or resolution for this upcoming year.  Many times we make  goals only with our head, led by our ego, because we think the brain knows best– but we almost always fail when we leave the heart out of our decisions.

This year before you make more promises to yourself look carefully at your life vision. What do you want on the deepest level of your being?

The big picture includes your purpose on this earth and purpose includes the things that excite you and give  you a reason to get up in the morning.   Be very clear about what you want to happen. The clearer you are about your methods for attaining your goal, including time and resources, the more success you will have.

A little known trick is to stay in the present moment and experience each activity with joy.  Bring joy into whatever you desire and  find pleasure in the steps taken towards your resolution

Remember Gandhi’s statement:  “You must be the change you wish to see in the world”.  Accomplish your goals and resolutions and see not only changes in yourself, but  throughout our entire world.

Linda Voogd, MA,LCADC