Where is Spring?

Where is Spring?

Spring is one week away. Yet, today we had a blizzard. Nature mirroring life. Do we have to earn Spring? Can’t we have a smooth transition from winter to spring? As we are gearing up for the good things in life, the happy times, the warm weather– bamb! The blizzard hits. It’s always darkest before dawn.

A change in seasons can mirror the changes in our lives. We get ready for a transition. We keep our commitment to our goals and then comes the unexpected. Obstacles come in all shapes and sizes. As a therapist and coach, I am here to remind you that we can only anticipate a few of the obstacles that show up on our paths. Just like this blizzard, there will always be incidents we did not plan for. We can choose to be angry and blame outside forces for these unforeseen roadblocks or we take them in stride and do our best to go with the flow. Many people got stranded at different airports, because of the snowstorm. Most eventually came to a point of acceptance knowing it would be hours until the weather cleared.

Now hear me out. No one person can take away your happiness, your joy or your peace. You have total control of your state of mind and your thoughts at all times. While some people are easily frustrated, angry or give off negativity, others are able to transcend this frame of mind. They tap into their higher selves and decide to embody peace and radical acceptance. Everything is a choice.

The blizzard is a gentle reminder from nature. We must be patient. Spring is around the corner. Tagore’s quote: “Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark” speaks to a knowing that things are unfolding as they should and everything is part of the journey. Spin the situation so it’s in your favor. Find the lesson it conveys. Maybe it’s teaching you patience or self awareness. Maybe an unforeseen obstacle gives you the chance to be kind or loving to someone else. Maybe it’s Mother Earth saying “slow down, don’t miss the beauty all around you. Let go of control, it is an illusion”.

So relax. Yes, the blizzard has its burden. Shoveling is not fun. Nor missing your flight, but making snowmen, baking, eating delicious homemade cookies and watching movies without guilt is a lot of fun. It’s all in your perspective. So always remember:

"No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn."

Hal Borland